What's Your Purpose?

Today's successful business must identify and implement bold core company values and a truly actionable purpose to retain employees and attract customers.

Selle Impact Consulting helps you design your most impactful purpose--especially for Bcorps, aspiring Bcorps, women-led companies, and natural and organic product companies. We also enhance nonprofit abilities to align their mission through real, practical steps.

We facilitate transformative and strategic workshops, retreats, curricula, trainings, and planning for your ongoing values and purpose investment.

Purpose Alignment is at the HEART of what you do

Our packages meet the immediate and ongoing needs of your nonprofit, team, company, and board.
lectures and workshops, team building

Why Emotions Are at the Heart of Core Company Values

Jul 03, 2024

Check out our blogs on values and purpose


Do your customers KNOW about your purpose activities? Does your TEAM understand what the mission is?

In my 30+ years leading natural product businesses, nonprofits, workshops and business retreats, I’ve discovered that many brand founders and owners often take core company values for granted. 

They assume that their values will permeate through the company and will automatically be adopted by their team. They think their values will suffuse throughout their marketing materials so that customers simply “intuit” what they stand for.

Tragically, this is not the case.

It takes dedicated effort to bring all your team on board with strong, bold, resonant company values, and it takes even more to identify and implement a meaningful purpose into your strategy. Selle Impact Consulting will help you identify, plan, and implement CSR and other commitments and actions that positively impact the world.

BE BOLD! We help you become resonant, well-organized and aligned for company durability, devoted employees, and happy customers. 

--Holly Bellebuono, President, Selle Impact Consulting

team building and corporate social responsibility

Our Services Are Ideal For: 

corporate social responsibility

Midsize, Startup, and Bcorp  Companies

Selle specializes in supporting businesses in the health & wellness and natural & organic industries (see below). We welcome all businesses who strive toward positive purpose.

nonprofit purpose and team building

Nonprofits, Boards & Agencies

Holly's years of experience working with nonprofit programming, boards of directors, partners and community stakeholders guides our work with your purpose-driven organization.

corporate team building

Leaders & Teams

We support your executives on their path to CSR, DEIB, and sustainability leadership. Our coaching and professional development curriculum position your team and governance to lead with a purpose-approach.

Is your CPG brand growing?

We are particularly adept at supporting consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands who wish to make an environmental and/or social difference, whether you're a B-corp, aspiring B-corp, or conscientious company: 

botanical & herbal 


coffee & tea 

skincare & cosmetics 


organic textiles 

organic babycare 



salt and foraged/wild products 

food and beverage

Learn how we can help you with strategy alignment, purpose implementation, leadership coaching, core values and mission, and B-corp and other certification and commitment processes.

Is your nonprofit changing?

Did you get a grant but your team lacks the skills or the time to manage it? Is your mission or focus changing? Does your strategy not align anymore?

Nonprofits often need support from an outside perspective or agency that can manage the nuances of strategy, mission alignment, and board and team culture.

Learn how we can help you with strategy alignment, purpose implementation, leadership coaching, core values and mission, and grant management.

Your Organizational Strategist for Values & Purpose

Holly Bellebuono

About Holly, Selle Founder
"Holly has a way of bringing everything ... together so you can use and apply the information quickly. She has a way to go into your soul and pull out what you want and where you want to go! Her retreat took my business to the next level in so many ways."
- Tynne, Herbal Deva LLC
"Holly’s support and knowledge has been an invaluable tool for me in growing my herbal product business. Her courses were accessible, well-organized and full of plant and business information. "
- Anne Marshall, LifeThyme Wellness Clinic
"My business has continued to transform and flourish naturally and with ease because of the learning with and support of Holly"
- Tarah Gibbon, Resilient Barn
"Holly’s gift for facilitating purposeful conversation between participants leads to enduring and meaningful relationships unlike any other workshop or conference I’ve attended. She authentically speaks and teaches from the heart, yet with razor sharp, no-nonsense mental clarity—it is impossible not to be transformed after you’ve studied with her." 
- Keya Guimaraes, Ecotone Kaua'i
"Working with Holly has been a transformative experience because she brings a rare mixture of knowledge, experience, and heartfelt care. She's a lighthouse for lightworkers."
- Elizabeth Germain, Private Chef
"A complete battery recharge! Stimulating environment, interesting curriculum/focus, wonderful people. Very energizing. My sincere thanks to Holly for the invitation and experience."
- Retreat Participant

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