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Why Clarity About Company Beliefs (and Biases) Is Helpful

ceo company culture core values csr purpose team training Jul 02, 2024
beliefs and biases

Values are based on beliefs. A company’s core value reflects the beliefs of the person or people who decide to list it on their website and, presumably, stand behind it when making decisions. A belief is quite personal and beliefs differ between people, cultures, ethnicities, religions, and even geographies. To run a company based on beliefs has been common practice since commercialism began, and it's at the heart of corporate social responsibility. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Beliefs are extremely subjective.

Beliefs & Biases

Beliefs stem from biases. Most of us would agree that holding a belief necessarily means we don’t believe something else, something that would be contrary to what we hold dear. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, your belief system inherently holds one set of values as “true” and another set as “false.”

Ergo, company values are inherently biased. And as much as it would seem we don’t want companies to be biased, we actually benefit from it. In my personal and professional opinion, I think that when a company CLEARLY shares its beliefs (and even its biases) it is honestly telling its stakeholders (partners, vendors, investors, employees, and customers—yes YOU) what it really stands for and is working toward. This is helpful--it means we don't have to dig to find out what the company really stands for and whether we want to support that company or not with our purchasing dollars.

The Benefits of Biases

Bias that is clearly stated, whether you agree with the position or not, can be a positive thing because a company that embraces its beliefs and values (and is clear about them) allows consumers to make objective decisions about whether to support that company with their dollars. Clarity does a lot of good.

Companies, for instance, that embrace diversity, or environmental and ecological protections, or women’s equity will shout their beliefs from the mountaintops and will work actively to promote company policies and actions that lead to positive outcomes for these issues. Similarly, companies that embrace racism, injustice, and discrimination and clearly identify as such (for example Hobby Lobby, Tractor Supply and Chick Filet) attract customers that share their beliefs and values. It's unfortunate that they use their influential dollars to support anti-human rights campaigns, but it’s their choice.

I believe, after 30 years as a consumer packaged goods (CPG) owner and a lifetime as a consumer, that it is infinitely better to be up-front and honest about it so that people can make their own decisions on whether to engage with that company or not. Vague values do nothing to improve a customer's understanding of what a company actually does with its large economic influence.

Whether or not you agree with a company's beliefs, it’s helpful when a company clearly states their values and how they share their profits, donate to causes, treat employees, and invest in the world.


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